As actors, we need to be detectives, searching for clues that will help us portray our characters convincingly! Guided by the methods of famous dramatists, students will analyze scenes featuring characters of their choice, team up with other students to present these scenes in class, and perform monologues in mock auditions featuring the characters they've analyzed.
Finally, students will pair off, combining the characters from their monologue projects in a 'Magic If' scenario. What if Shrek and Hamlet met in a crowded airport--or if Cinderella and Percy Jackson teamed up to save the world? These completely "magic" scenes will be performed in showcase, so expect the unexpected.
Jennifer Jordan
Director/Musical Director--
A classically trained singer, soprano Jenn Jordan has a background in early music and opera. After graduating from Clayton State University as a Spivey Scholar, she performed throughout the Southeast as a historical performance specialist, and as a freelance soloist.
Jenn sang for several seasons with the Atlanta Opera, and worked as a staff singer at several Atlanta churches. After discovering her true passions to be teaching and directing, Jenn began teaching voice at private schools and through her home studio.
Jenn is the Director of Middle and Lower School Drama at the Wesleyan School, and she maintains an active private voice studio. She is Director of Music at Christ Church Episcopal, and is founding director of the Christ Church Players.
Jenn also is an Assistant Director for the Grammy Award-winning Gwinnett Young Singers (both Concert Choir and Treble Choir) and she freelances as a singer/music director.
4150 Old Milton Parkway, 210, Alpharette, GA 30005
If is auditioning, at least 1 guardian must sign up for a Production Team. Please select your preferred choice, however your Production Team is subject to change.
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