Time to Shine -- SCROLL DOWN TO VOTE!

CYT strives to be a place for students to enjoy theater and grow in
their relationships with other students who share their same
interests. Theater is an important place for students to connect with
one another, release stress, and grow confidence. However, as a
non-profit educational program we need YOUR support to help us
continue to provide these wonderful programs to our students.
This year, our students are showcasing their talents to raise money
for CYT.



1.    Create a 60-90 second video showcasing your singing, acting or dancing.
2.    Upload your Video to a Talent Thon Campaign Page.
        How to set up a campaign and upload a video:
3.    Send your link to family and friends asking them to vote for you.
4.    $1=1 Vote
5.    Videos must be submitted by March 22nd
6.    The Student with the most votes wins the Grand Prize.
7.    Students with 100 votes or more by March 22nd will be
adjudicated to win the 1st and 2nd Place in Talent


Our CYT March Madness judges are not CYT staff or a part of the Artistic Team—they are working professionals in the industry, bringing their real-world experience and expertise to provide valuable feedback.


Grand Prize
Goes to the person who gets the most amount of votes wins the grand prize
1. Dinner with the Executive Director, Connie Matthews and the Artistic Director, Andréa Gossett - You may bring a plus one with you.
2. Social Media Post featuring your Video
3. CYT Tote

1st Place Talent
Goes to the person who the judges select as 1st place winner
1. Perform your talent piece LIVE at the matinee intermission of
Little Mermaid on Saturday, April 27th
2. Social Media Post Featuring Your Video
3. CYT Tote

2nd Place Votes
Goes to the person who gets the second most amount of votes.
1. Social Media Post Featuring Your Video
2. CYT Tote Bag

2nd Place Talent
Goes to the person who the judges select as second place winner
1. Social Media Post Featuring Your Video
2. CYT Tote Bag

Any person with 500 votes:
1. CYT Logo Sweatshirt

Any person with 250 votes or more:
1. Social Media Shout-Out
2. CYT Logo T-shirt
3. Name will be recognized in the Little Mermaid Playbill under our March Madness recognition


All videos must be CYT appropriate and may not contain any content
deemed inappropriate for all ages. This includes but is not limited to
inappropriate language, innuendo, violent themes, etc.
All videos must be original and created by the user submitting the video.
Videos posted after March 22nd will NOT be considered for adjudication.
Videos with less than 100 votes will NOT be considered for adjudication
All ages are welcome to participate.

1. How often would you like to give?

2. Your gift amount.

Select your donation's designation:

Make a Difference!

Christian Youth Theater is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization with EIN #82-0577887.  Since revenue from ticket sales and class tuition is not enough to cover operating costs, every dollar you contribute assures that CYT can continue to deliver top-notch, affordable programming and achieve its goals in developing character in children and adults one stage at a time.

As you can imagine - and as many of you have experienced - this past two years has been full of blessings and struggles. We've made every effort to remain a place for students to enjoy theater and grow in their relationships with other students who share their same interests.

We'd love you to consider supporting our work as part of your yearly giving. We have a variety of monthly expenses that remain whether we're able to conduct programming or not. Nearly all of our revenue derives from our ability to conduct classes and offer enjoyable theater experiences for the community.  We also want to be able to offer support to families who might need assistance due to the toll of the pandemic.

We love the amazing community Rebecca has found with CYT.  It has been a huge boost to her spirits that CYT continued online classes, rehearsals, and virtual watch parties during COVID.--Jon and Lisa R., CYT Parents and Volunteers

Please read these thoughts from our Artistic Director, Anna Kilbride:

Dear CYT Family and Friends,
As many of you know, I am a passionate believer in the arts and the impact that they have on students and society. I am currently Artistic Director of CYT Atlanta, an after-school, non-profit Theater program whose mission is to build character through training in the arts and by producing wholesome family entertainment. This #givingtuesday, I am asking you to considering donating to our program.
Covid has hit every small business hard, causing many challenges and a lot of financial distress. CYT Atlanta had to cancel shows, programs and activities during this time. However, we continue to have monthly bills and expenses. We wish to continue to provide great theatrical and character building programs in the future. Theater is an important place for students to connect with one another, release stress, and grow confidence.

Here are some other things we are proud of:
1. We never turn a student away! CYT Atlanta scholarships CYT classes and camps for all students with financial needs. We believe that every student has a right to learn about theater in a safe environment. Your donation could go towards a scholarship for a deserving family.
2. We believe in cooperation not competition. When many other companies focus on the competitive side of theater, we focus on the collaborative side. Every student has intrinsic value from God, and we all work together to create beautiful art.
3. We encourage students, we don't defeat them. Character traits like hard work, perseverance, and determination always out-weigh talent. We don't create divas, we reward discipline.
4. We are a safe environment where students find family. We love each other through struggles, praise each other in victories, and support one another in all endeavors. We are all-inclusive!
5. We create leaders. Through programs like 'Camp Assistants', 'Show-Buddies', and 'HYPE (High School Youth Pursuing Excellence)' we encourage students to be mentors and give back to the community.
Any little bit can make a huge difference. For instance, $50 pays for an hour of facility rental at one of our locations. $275 can scholarship a student for a week of camp or a session classes. You can see a Wish List of items on our website.

CYT families know that everyone who has every participated at CYT has their own CYT Story.

Mine started over ten years ago, when I moved to Atlanta with my husband. While looking for a job, I googled 'Christian Theaters,' and CYT was the first company to pop up.

As God would have it, they were literally a block from my house. I started working for CYT almost immediately, teaching classes, as Show Coordinator, and as Camp Director. After college, my self-worth was at an all time low. I was scared, lonely, and frankly felt like a fraud in everything.

CYT changed all that. In my first year, I sat in a bathroom with a student while she cried about a lost family member, stayed 20 minutes after class to encourage a student who felt lonely because they had no friends at school, had the opportunity to tell a student the true meaning behind the cross she wore around her neck.

Every time, God showed me that worth comes from Him and what He could do through me. I have watched students grow up from unsure middle school students to amazing college grads. I have seen kids go from 'oh, no, where do I cast them?' to 'This student can name their Musical Theater College Program.' And every student teaches me everyday, about things like family, resilience, unconditional love, determination, grief, passion, and so much more! 
If you are touched by my story and know someone who might want to support our program, please share it with them. You can also Support CYT by being Prayer Warriors for our program. Make your tax deductible donation to CYTAtlanta at www.cytatlanta.org/donate.

Anna Kilbride
Artistic Director
Find Your Character

1. How often would you like to give?

2. Your gift amount.

Select your donation's designation:

I have been a part of CYT for 7 years now and all I can say is the love and bond have kept me there. Everyone is so welcoming and so open to accepting everybody who walks in the door. They are the reason I have become the person I am today while being surrounded by this abounding love, and I am proud to call myself a CYT student!

Alexa M., CYT Atlanta Class of 2021

Donor Benefits

CYT relies on the donations of patrons so we can provide quality theater education across the country. According to “The Value and Quality of Arts Education: A Statement of Principles”, students who participate in the arts do better in school, stay in school longer, and win more academic awards. They are also three times more likely to go to college and become more confident, considerate, pro-social and pro-civic citizens! Your generous donation ensures that our students are given these benefits, so that they can go on to build a stronger world for future generations.